10 fitness tips for beginners

Creating new habits can be so challenging. And if you have fitness goals for the first time in your life, it can be a little like learning a new language. Actually, creating new habits isn't always so difficult, it’s keeping them can be the tricky part.

You need to not only adopt these habits, but you also need to make them a part of your lifestyle.

There's a saying that says:
"A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes it truth."-Greg Reid

After awhile, these dreams, goals, plans, actions all become an innate part of you. So if you're hoping to create new fitness habits for the first time ever, try these 10 fitness tips to help you succeed.

1) Define your reason why you want to be fit and healthy

Think of this part as your "dream". Your why. Why do you want to make changes, what are your drivers? Get yourself a journal and sit down and write at least 1-3 reasons why you want to create these new habits and begin this health and fitness journey. They could be that you want to be healthier as an example for your kids, you want to have more energy, you want to feel better, you want to lose body fat, etc. Whatever your reasons, set aside 5 minutes to WRITE THEM DOWN. This is kind of a way for you be accountable to yourself.

2) Start with a short list of goals

Now come the goals. They come after the why. Think of them as the "what". They are similar to your reasons, but they are a little more specific. For example "I want to lose 10 pounds (goal) because I want to shed excess body fat (reason)", "I want to give up coffee (goal) because I want to reduce my anxiety (reason)", "I want to start exercising 4 days per week (goal) because I want to lose weight (reason)", "I want to start meditating everyday (goal) because I want to become more self-aware and find inner peace (reason)"

3) Remember to stay flexible with those goals

It is possible for these goals to change. As you go along your journey you may find that your goals may change or evolve, or that you want to add new goals. And it's all okay. As you change and grow, your goals may also.

4) Don't procrastinate

It's easy to make a list and set some goals, but putting them into action is another story. Set a realistic timeline for yourself and don't veer off course too much. If you set realistic goals for a day, do your best to complete them and not put them off. If you can't quite get to ALL of the goals for the day--that's OKAY. That's being flexible. But consistently not accomplishing ANY of your goals on the realistic timeline you give yourself, that's procrastination and procrastination can be a slippery slope. And if you need to give yourself fewer goals on any given day, that’s okay, too!

5) Eat more fruits, veggies, healthy fats, and healthy proteins

This can sometimes be tough. I recommend on not stressing on cutting certain foods out in the beginning. Instead, focus on incorporating new, nutrient-dense foods into your diet. Over time, you'll be ready to cut down on foods with low nutritional-value. But stressing out on what NOT to eat can be adding a challenge you don't need. Focus on what you CAN eat, not what you CAN'T.

6) Find a workout program and schedule that you like

A regular workout routine doesn't HAVE to be a tightly regimented gym schedule. Perhaps find a class at your gym that you like and make it a point to attend 2 days per week, take regular walks outside, or find some instructors on YouTube to follow whose workouts you like and can commit to on a regular basis. Whatever exercise you choose, make it something that you enjoy!

7) Embrace recovery time and rest days—you earned them!

Giving your body the rest it needs to properly recuperate is soooooo important! And, yes-you do deserve them!

8) Engage in an offbeat fitness or movement activity over your weekends

Let yourself have your weekends to use as downtime or as a time to engage in mellow movement. Take a mellow stroll with your dog, a friend, or alone. Go on a hike, if you want to, or work in your garden. The weekends are reserved for optional movement, like a little bonus at the end of your week!

9) Find a support system

Don't just keep your fitness journey to yourself, talk about it! Find people who support you on this journey, be it an online supportive fitness community, buddies you make at the gym, or your friends and family. If you have people who aren't supportive, just try to get that noise out of your head and focus on YOUR journey. Do your best to surround yourself with encouragement!

10) Don't judge yourself for not being perfect on your journey

If you have a day where you don't eat "perfectly" or you miss a workout, don't beat yourself up. Stay away from the mindset of "I already messed up, I may as well just forget about this health journey". If you get off track, remember that it happens to ALL of us and you are far from the only one. Every day is a new day and a new opportunity to start again!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and therefore this is not official medical or clinical advice. These are things that I have implemented in my own life and utilized in my health coaching practice after spending a substantial amount of time studying and practicing these techniques. They are not meant to cure any ailment, and they are certainly not meant to serve as a replacement for any mental or medical healthcare treatment. It is important to always consult your own physician before beginning an exercise or nutrition program of any type.


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