13 Healthy Skin Habits to Start in your 20’s or 30’s

Disclaimer: Please note this post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if clicked at no extra cost to you. However, all opinions expressed are my own and I never ever recommend products unless they've worked for me and I stand behind them 100%.

1. Wear sunscreen and a cute sun hat!

Protecting your skin from the sun is pretty much a given for healthy and youthful looking skin. Even on the "not so sunny" days it's important to wear a little sunscreen.

One of my favorite companies from which I get most of my sunscreens, moisturizers, etc is Stream2Sea. They’re an amazing company and you’ll hear me mention them often.

2. Always take your makeup off at night!

Have a good makeup remover cloth or system that allows you to get it all--foundation, powder, eye makeup, ALL of it--each and EVERY night!

You’ll hear me mention this company below, but Beauty by Earth has some really good makeup removers, among lots of other great stuff!

3. Wash your face every night (and/or after every workout)!

I always always always clean my face after a busy day, but I don't usually wash my face in the morning. In the morning I simply splash some warm water on my face, then finish with some cool water. I then moisturize with some sunscreen infused moisturizer, do my makeup (if I'm wearing makeup that day) and I'm on my way!

It’s important to note that we all have different needs for our skin. While I don’t prefer to wash my face in the morning, there are plenty of people that do. It’s really about finding a good routine that works for you. Different strokes for different folks!

One of my favorite online stores to get a good face wash (and even a good night time moisturizer, which I mention next) is Beauty by Earth. They have an awesome charcoal face bar that I use regularly.

Some of their prices are a bit higher, but really aren’t that bad compared to some other organic beauty companies. Also, the quality of the products made by Beauty by Earth is amazing and well worth the money.

They also have a great section called “we made too much” which is their overstock and clearance section. I’m constantly finding cool products at really good prices when I peruse this section of the site!

4. Use a good nighttime moisturizer!

I like to use just a bit of quality skin oil (a good almond or jojoba is a great option) to moisturize at night. You don't need a lot, 3-4 drops is all it takes. A little goes a long way and if you overdo it, you're face will likely end up looking and feeling too greasy.

You can order some pretty awesome, high quality facial oils online, but you can also find some good quality moisturizing oils at most grocery stores for a good price.

If a face oil isn’t for you, find a good, gentle face lotion that works. Again, it’s all about figuring out the details that work for you and your skin!

5. Consider some type of facial massage!

When I was in my early 30’s I began making it a regular habit to rotate between gua sha facial massages, face roller massages, and cupping facial massages. Throughout the week I mix and match these about 5 nights out of the week.

You can order any and all of these tools through sites like Etsy or Amazon for fair prices. Just go take a look around!

6. Drink lots of water!

Yes, it is as important to hydrate the skin from the inside as it is from the outside!

7. Exercise!

Many of us know that exercise is good for the body, but did you know that exercise can help to flush toxins from the body and bring blood flow to the skin? All good things for the health of your skin.

8. Try try try to get enough quality sleep!

I say try because getting enough sleep can be difficult for many of us. When life circumstances prevent you from getting the sleep you need, that’s when it becomes even more important to take care of yourself in other aspects—eating healthy, exercising, trying to manage your stress, etc.

Enough quality sleep is good for every and all aspects of your health

9. Eat those greens!

Getting enough vital nutrients is soooooo important for your skin, but also for your entire body and mind! If you're feeling deficient in nutrients (as many of us are) consider some microgreens from Micro Ingredients to help you get enough! Micro Ingredients is a great company that has boat-loads of vitamins, fitness supplements, and superfoods to choose from.

10. Limit your caffeine intake!

I know I know, coffee is delicious and it helps you get started on those days you really need it, just try not to overdo the caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic (which means it causes your body to “dispose” of water) which can cause your skin to become dehydrated.

Caffeine also restricts blood vessels which has been shown to reduce skin circulation contributing to dull looking skin. And I will say it again--make sure to drink enough water!

A cup of coffee in the morning or here and there likely won’t have much of an impact, but too much can really start to have an affect. Consider mixing in some coffee alternatives like tea or one of the many mushroom coffees available.

11. Cut back on sugar and processed foods!

A treat here and there is a part of finding balance for many of us, but too much sugar and too many processed foods can wreak havoc on your internal systems and can greatly contribute to unhealthy looking skin!

12. Take a Collagen Supplement!

As we age, our bodies collagen production slows down, which decreases elasticity in the skin. A good collagen supplement can significantly help the skin to stay more supple as you age.

*If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, be sure to look into a collagen supplement alternative since collagen is a nutrient that we get from animals, therefore the vast majority of collagen supplements are derived from animal ingredients.

13. Try not to stress too much!

I realize that, aside from getting enough sleep, this may be the toughest one on the list. We all have different circumstances in our lives and there are things which cause stress that we cannot always control.

That being said, it is important to try to find some calm in the chaos.

It's not about trying to avoid stress altogether, because that is not realistic. But it is about minimizing the stressful situations that we can control and doing our best to learn to manage the unavoidable stress that we cannot control.

In other words, being intentional about how we react to and process that stress.

This is a skill that most people won't completely master in their entire lifetime, that's why it's helpful to look at it as a consistent practice, one that doesn't have an end point, but rather is a journey.

There are a lot of resources to look to which can help you to process and deal with stress in some healthier ways, so I encourage you to seek some of this information out.

If you have the option of meeting with a counselor or a coach of some kind, I highly encourage you to seek support in these ways, as well.

I wrote a short article on self-care, why it’s important, and little ways to sneak it into your busy life. You can read it here.

In Conclusion

Healthy skin habits really do start from the inside and go outwards. If you're able to start any or all of these habits while you're still in your 20's or 30's, you will likely age gracefully in your body and mind. In fact, these are great habits to start at any age! You're never too old to take care of yourself!

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. These are things that I have utilized in my own life that have benefitted me. Everyone has different needs and life circumstances and it is important to seek the advice of a medical practitioner or a mental health practitioner before making major lifestyle changes.


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